Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cracking IAS exam #Tip5 Are your goals realistic?

At Paradigm IAS Academy, we have always inculcated among the students to be very realistic when it comes to setting goals. Else, you will end up disappointed.
For this, consider how much time you have until the test date, and how many other things you want to do in life which surely includes the fun part too as only study will cause disinterest. Consider your level of ability, and the resources you have. Then set realistic, modest, and achievable goals and deadlines for finishing the different steps of your preparation. Manage your time so that your preparation includes each section of the test, with more time allotted to sections where you think you may be weaker.
You should be positive and have faith in yourself. Passing exam in first attempt is a combination of sheer luck and good preparation. So, be patient and support yourself over the long haul.
Syllabus of optional subjects is also vast which often urges candidates to have many books to cover the topics. But the fact remains that they cannot read all of them; hence being selective is very important. Try to read standard books and recollect the points what you have read and how it is useful in writing the answers.
This way, nothing could obstruct you from achieving the goals that you have aimed at which would ultimately aid in clearing the exam.
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